Seminario de Investigadores (2o Semestre 2017)

Sala de Seminarios Fernando Salmerón, IIFs   |  Miércoles de 12:00 a 14:00 horas.




Tim Maudlin (Universidad de Nueva York)

" (Information) Paradox Lost "

    Daniel Sudarsky
    Elias Okon






Axel Barceló (IIFs-UNAM)

" ¿Qué es una estructura? "









Mario Caimi (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

" Que el Esquematismo no es una repetición de la Deducción "








Pedro Ramos (UACM)

" El mundo como mixtura de concreción y abstracción "









J. C. Beall (Universidad de Connecticut)

" Christ - A Contradiction "

This paper aims to do two things. First, the paper aims to illuminate the role that logic itself plays in theology (and any other discipline), and also to review a particular account of logic itself. Given the breadth of these topics my discussion aims only to convey a basic sketch of logic and its role, leaving a fuller discussion for elsewhere. The second aim of the paper is to defend the view that the true Christology is logically contradictory, that the right response to the fundamental problem of Christology (viz., Christ's having apparently complementary~-- contradiction-entailing~-- natures) is to accept the familiar contradictions.






Pau Luque (IIFs-UNAM)

" Rule of Law y casos recalcitrantes "








Manuel Vargas (Universidad de California en San Diego)

" Blame and Retribution "







Christine Tappolet (Universidad de Montreal)

" Emotions and the self "

The thought that emotions and the self are tightly connected is plausible. To find out how emotion and the self are connected, it might seem that there is a simple recipe: start off with an account of what emotions are; specify what the self is; and then consider what relation(s) holds between the two. But this simple recipe badly oversimplifies the issues. The paper starts by providing a map to the many questions into which the initial question splits. Then, it turns to the view that the self is, in some sense, constitutive of emotions. Finally, the paper discusses the view that emotions are constitutive of the self.













Stefano Vincini (IIFs-UNAM)

"How We Come to Perceive Others:  Infant Imitation and Social Perception"












Vincenzo Politi (IIFs-UNAM)

"Razonamiento Analógico y la Evolución de las Revoluciones"










Martin Glazier (IIFs-UNAM)

 "¿Qué hora es en otros mundos posibles?"







Paniel Reyes (UPAEP)

"Algunas lecciones del Inferencialismo lógico para el inferencialismo semántico"

El inferencialismo semántico se ha definido como la capacidad de definir los problemas del significado en términos de reglas inferenciales, así, el signifivado sería expresado a través del juego de razones aducidas que determina cualquier contenido conceptual. Por su parte, el inferencialismo lógico desarrolla el significado asociado a los conectores lógicos a través de reglas inferenciales pero también de presuposiciones estructurales (Stenberger, 2009), esta interacción se realiza a través de teorías de Armonía lógica que ayudan a superar críticas representacionalistas. La hipótesis de esta presentación es que la teoría de la armonía (originada por M. Dummett) también puede extenderse al inferencialismo semántico, circunstancia que parece no prevista por eminentes inferencialistas como R. Brandom.











Nils-Hennes Stear (Universidad de Southampton)

"Fatal Prescription"


Ethicism is the view defended by Berys Gaut according to which aesthetically relevant ethical flaws in artworks count as aesthetic flaws and that aesthetically relevant ethical merits count as aesthetic merits. This paper forms part of a larger project looking at the challenges to ethicism and its rivals. In it, I argue that Gaut's chief argument for ethicism, the Merited Response Argument (MRA), suffers from an ambiguity that makes it invalid. Specifically, Gaut’s notion of an artwork’s “prescribing” a response in appreciators, which is central to MRA, is ambiguous between merely attempting to elicit a response from appreciators as appropriate to the work, and endorsing a response as appropriate to relevant parts of the actual world. While the first sense of ‘prescribe’ gives Gaut the aesthetic property he wants, only the second gives him the ethical one. I close by considering a number of objections to my argument.










Douglas Hutchinson (Universidad de Toronto)







Philippe Van Parijs (Universidad Católica de Lovaina)

"La justificación filosófica de la renta básica: las objeciones más difíciles"

Sala José Gaos - IIFs, 12:00 a 14:00 hrs.










  Seminario de Investigadores (1er Semestre 2017) »




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